Thermoforming machine for Solid Surface and Wood

prensa de membrana

thermoforming machine for solid surface

Thermoforming solid surface

prensa laminadora industrial para PVC wrapping

Oven & Vacuum press for PVC 3D

wrapping doors with PVC 3D

horno de sublimacion 3D, sublimation oven

Sublimation presses & thermoforming machine

On Chromaluxe material and Solid surface sheets

moldes termoformables

What are the thermoformable materials?

There are 2 types of thermoformable materials.  2D flexible materials and 3D elastic materials.
Both need heat and pressure to change their initial shape and adopt the shape you want.

Who we are?

The arrival of a new brand of thermoforming machine for the solid surface is often justified by the need for innovation in a specific sector. This is obviously the case with BUGATOOL.


As a manufacturer of thermoforming machine and a key player in the PVC market for more than 40 years, and with our presence in more than 85 countries, it seemed natural to open a thermoforming division on the very demanding Solid surface market.


Featured Services

We focus on quality

We are aware that our thermoforming machine for the solid surface is intended to be your work tool. The productivity of your work will largely depend on the quality of our products. Because we know that YOU DO NOT WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH POOR QUALITY TOOLS, we manufacture with first-class materials.

We train your teams

The best thermoforming machine for the solid surface in inexperienced hands is a poor tool. Our knowledge in the field of forming has led us to train more than 150 workshops in the last 8 years. We offer our clients a “know-how” available to few and advise them on the execution of their projects.

We accompany our customers

No project should be rejected as impossible before consulting us. Finding solutions for each project, either to improve the profitability of your budget or to make possible what seems unfeasible to you. We provide solutions with tools that increase your productivity. We innovate to compete.

We Innovate to stay competitive

Our desire to innovate is part of our identity.Today, we are the only manufacturer of heating ovens to use type “k” probes. In this way, our customers have absolute control over the heating of the material, preventing it from yellowing or breaking.

Online Shop

We are working to offer you a full range of tools soon.

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